Google Play Music is Dead!

Last week, Google Play Music died. We’ve known this has been happening for a while, and nothing happens all at once throughout the Google user base. But many sorry Google customers report that Google Music is losing its entire lives. The store is gone for me, speakers don’t function anymore, the app is dead and the website is gone. Everything’s gone.

As you read this, the shutdown wave appears to roll across the Google Music user base, and although you still have personal use of some parts of the service, you probably won’t have much time to say goodbye. After nine wonderful years Google Music, born on 10 May 2011, leaves us.

The service will now join Reader, Google+, and numerous other Google gravel products in the heavens. Google News Beat means to run a full-time funeral salon in our day and age, and just as we did for Google’s death, we are here to guide Google Music in peace with a proper transmission into the afterlife. Thank you for being here today, celebrating the life of the pioneering music service of Google.

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